Saturday, April 21, 2018

The 2018 Sugar Sand Festival

2018 Sugar Sand Festival

In desperate need of some “me time” and with a couple more weeks to go before our vacation, I took the day off Friday to go to Clearwater Beach for the Pier 60 Sugar Sand Festival. The festival is a 10-day event where master sand sculptors from around the world showcase their creations. Clearwater Beach is known for its pure white, quartz sand, making it the perfect place for the festival.

This year’s theme was “Sea America: A Celebration of America’s Treasures.” The variety of art was amazing, including sculptures of places like New York and California, national parks and monuments, American musicians and authors, the first moon walk, even that most American of sports, baseball. One sculpture of roadside attractions (with Chevy Chase from National Lampoon’s Vacation) was hilarious. But my favorite sculpture was the bust of a Native American in a headdress – stunning! Two artists were on-site, demonstrating how they sculpt using nothing but sand, water and a few simple hand tools.

I walked through the tent twice so I wouldn’t miss any of the details, then took a walk on the beach, one of Florida’s own American treasures.





Mark Twain
I love this quote by Mark Twain

moon landing

Charley Patton

Jazz and Blues

Kentucky Derby

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln close up

Mount Rushmore

Native American

Native American close up

young Native Americans

sculpture of Barbara Bush

Harriet Tubman

Pier 60 Clearwater Beach

Pier 60
Pier 60


  1. Amazing! The Native American man's face - all the character! And Lincoln! I love the way they can play with textures too, all just with sand.

  2. Wonderful! This is one of the best yet! I liked the second one, of the Yankee fishermen in the boat, and Mt. Rushmore best. Thanks, Susan, for another great tour!
